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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924


Image: Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Betsy J. Green, 2022

Happy Birthdate, Elsie Jane Wilson!


Silent film actress Elsie was born on November 7, 1885, in Australia. She appeared in more than 30 silent movies. In 1915, she starred in the "Flying A" production of The Lure of the Mask that was filmed in Montecito, California.


During the filming, a misplaced prop from the film caused a scene all by itself. A gardener found a sword in the woods that had been used in the movie, and thought that a murder had been committed. While the worker was showing the sword's location to the police, two of the actors from the movie came up all out of breath and asked if a sword had been found. They explained that they had fought – for film purposes only – a duel near where the sword was found, and that, on departing, they had forgotten all about it. The police accepted their explanation, and the case was closed. Whew!

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Image: Motion Picture News, November 6, 1915

A Fight All Too Real


Sometimes the fight scenes in the silent movies looked very real – because they were. Scenes for the 1915 film The Yankee Girl were filmed on California's Santa Catalina Island. The two actors who took part in a fight in the movie (Howard Davies and Forrest Stanley), apparently used it as an opportunity to settle an old score.


"The clash in The Yankee Girl contained 'business' the director never intended and over which he could exercise no control. The two panting athletes were finally disengaged, Davies growling something about Stanley 'butting,' and Stanley appealing to the referee against 'strangle holds.' But Dal Clawson, the cameraman, merely grinned for he knew the treasure that now safely reposed in his magazine." – Movie Magazine, September 1915


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Image: Wikimedia

Happy Birthdate, Percy Standing!


Standing was born in England in 1882. He appeared in some 40 movies in the silent era. In 1919, he starred in Bonds of Love along with Pauline Frederick filmed at one of the million-dollar mansions of Montecito, California.


The local paper reported, "The Pauline Frederick company spent six days in Santa Barbara obtaining exterior action . . . Montecito, Santa Barbara's fashionable residential suburb, world-famous for its mansions and picturesque countryside, was taken full advantage of." – Santa Barbara Morning Press, June 22, 1919


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Image: Charley Chase, courtesy of Motion Picture News, March 8, 1924

Dash, Love and Splash


The silent film comedy, Dash, Love and Splash, was released on October 19, 1914. This ½ reel (5 min.) film starred Charley Chase. Chase appeared in more than 250 short comedies such as this one. Although I wasn't able to find any photos, for sure, young ladies in bathing suits were the featured attraction.


This movie was filmed on California's Santa Catalina Island, one of the prime locations for silent movies set on a beach.

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Image: J. Willis Sayre Collection of Theatrical Photographs

Happy Birthdate, Thomas Santschi!


Santschi was born on October 14, 1878. He appeared in more than 200 movies during the silent era. In 1916, he starred in The Garden of Allah along with Helen Ware. Although, it was planned to film some scenes at the Santa Barbara Mission, this did not happen. Instead, scenes were made at the million-dollar Gillespie mansion in Montecito, California. The substitution is not surprising because the story involves a monk who leaves the monastery and gets married.



Two other versions of this movie were made: another silent film in 1927, then later a talkie in 1936 starring Marlene Dietrich and Charles Boyer.


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Image: Film Index, April 29, 1911

In Old California When the Gringoes Came


The American Film Company, the "Flying A," settled in Santa Barbara, California in 1912, but there were other silent movie studios that filmed here before that. In fact, movies made by other film companies might have inspired the "Flying A" to move here.


In 1911, the Selig Polyscope studio filmed here, probably to use one or more of our adobe homes. I asked local adobe expert, John Woodward, about the adobe in the photo. He told me that it might be the Daniel Hill adobe on La Patera Lane in Goleta.


In Old California When the Gringoes Came takes place during the late 1840s when California became part of the United States, and concerns the story of an unscrupulous American guy who is trying to cheat a Spanish family of their estate.

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Image: Battle Creek Enquirer, March 1, 1925

Happy Birthdate, Antonio Moreno!


September 26 is the birthdate of Antonio Moreno in 1887. Born in Madrid, Spain, he was a prominent leading man in the silent era and continued in films up to the 1950s. He  appeared in more than 150 films, including several serials.


In 1925, he starred in Her Husband's Secret filmed at a million-dollar mansion in Montecito, CA. One scene in this film called for Moreno to fling himself over a cliff.


"Seconds seemed like minutes before the star leaped off the top of the precipice and virtually flew through space toward the rocks and the camera on the shoreline. Moreno had figured his leap accurately and cleared some jagged rocks and tree trunks close to the top of the cliff and fell on his back in loose sand, finishing his downward journey by rolling over some rocks and brush and stopping within inches of the outside measurements of the camera lines . . . Studio veterans said it was the most accurately planned and executed leap they had ever seen." – Evening News (Santa Cruz, California), September 30, 1925


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Image: Motion Picture News, September 25, 1915

The House of Scandals and its legal problems


This movie with the provocative title was released by Santa Barbara's "Flying A" studio in 1915. Back before the Internet, when the world was not so connected, there were a number of cases where two silent movies with the same or similar title were unknowingly released by two different studios. Such was the case with this movie.


Shortly before the "Flying A" released this movie, another studio had released a movie titled, The House of a Thousand Candles, and this studio promptly sued the "Flying A." Eventually, the suit was decided in the favor of the "Flying A."


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Image: Motion Picture Magazine, May 1916

Happy Birthdate, Willard Mack!


September 18 is the birthdate of Canadian actor Willard Mack, born in 1873. He was active on Broadway, writing 23 plays and performing in numerous stage productions. He only appeared in a dozen or so movies, and Aloha Oe, filmed in 1915 at a million-dollar estate in Montecito, CA, was one of these few. The movie takes place in Hawaii, but the filming never got any further west than the Gillespie estate.


This was probably fortunate because Mack was injured during the filming. "Willard Mack sustained a severe injury to his back recently while carrying Enid Markey down a slippery mountainside in the picture Aloha Oe. – Motion Picture Magazine, October 1915


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 Image: Illustrated Films Monthly, September 1913

For the Crown


Some of the earliest movies that Santa Barbara's "Flying A" studio filmed in Montecito, CA were costume dramas. One million-dollar mansion in particular was perfect for the 1913 movie For the Crown, which was set in France in the 1600s. It was one of about 18 silent movies filmed at the famed Gillespie estate.



It was fairly common for Santa Barbara residents to watch movies being filmed, even on the large estates. (These estates had fewer privacy and security issues a century ago.) One movie magazine wrote, "As is usual on outside locations, a crowd gathered to witness the taking of the picture." – Motography, September 6, 1913.


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