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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924

Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A"

Image: Jack Richardson. (Motography, January 18, 1913)

Just Horsing Around


"Flying A" actor Jack Richardson had a horse that he was very fond of. "That Jack loves his steed, is eloquently attested by the glossy coat and well-groomed hoofs which 'Chief' presents . . . as well as by the fact that Jack spends considerable leisure in the saddle, when not being filmed in 'Flying A' dramas."


However, one afternoon, 'Chief' majorly embarrassed his owner. The two were at a garden party at a Santa Barbara mansion. It started well. 'Chief' wandered casually across the beautiful lawn, nibbling the grass here and there, while Jack chatted pleasantly with the guests on the spacious veranda.


"Suddenly a scream from the hostess curdled the blood of her guests . . . Eternal disgraces!"


'Chief' had decided that the garden of carefully cultivated tropical plants would be an ideal spot to roll around in. Oops! The horse and his owner apologized and made a hasty exit. – Motography, September 9, 1916


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