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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924


Lompoc stagecoach (Moving Picture World, October 19, 1912)

An Authentic Stagecoach on the Screen


Dateline: August 1912

Shortly after the "Flying A" silent movie folks moved to Santa Barbara in 1912, they were able to use the old Lompoc stagecoach in their films. One of the first films that the studio created here was The Jack of Diamonds.


Some of the scenes were filmed on the stagecoach. "The exteriors were taken in the vicinity of the Hollister Road [upper State Street], about a mile from the studio. The old stagecoach which was used in early days out of Lompoc was called into play for the first time. It will add considerable color to the story." – Santa Barbara Morning Press, August 16, 1912


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