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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924


Image: Moving Picture Weekly, July 27, 1918

The Brass Bullet


The first episode of this adventure serial was released by Universal Studios on August 10, 1918. Some scenes were filmed on California's Santa Catalina Island.


The leading character is a young man who has been confined to a mental institution by mistake. He manages to escape and ends up on Pleasure Island. There, he meets a group of bad guys who are trying to kidnap a wealthy young woman. Obviously, since this is a serial, the kidnappers are not successful in their first attempt, or second, or third . . .


World War I was still taking place in Europe when this serial was released, and the title caused some theater owners to feel that it was about the war (see image). "Word that exhibitors were inclined to regard The Brass Bullet as a war serial has led Universal to take prompt steps toward dissipating this idea." – Motion Picture News, August 3, 1918


There are no existing copies of this serial.

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