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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924


Image: a 1903 Bioscope movie camera. "We Put the World Before You By Means of the Bioscope and Urban Films," 1903

The First Movie Made in SB


Lots of movies have been filmed on locations in and around Santa Barbara, California. But did you ever wonder what was the first movie filmed in Santa Barbara? According to the local paper, this happened in 1904, and starred the local fire department.


"This morning at 10 o'clock, the local fire department will be photographed by a moving picture camera while it makes a dash from the City Hall down State Street as far as Cota." - Santa Barbara Morning Press, December 22, 1904


The film was shown in January - "At the opera house [now the Lobero Theater], Monday, January 23rd. Don't fail to see the Santa Barbara fire department run, taken by the Bioscope company, the first and only moving picture ever taken here. Prices 10, 25, 35." - Santa Barbara Morning Press, January 3, 1905

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