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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924


Image: J. Willis Sayre Collection of Theatrical Photographs

Happy Birthdate, Thomas Santschi!


Santschi was born on October 14, 1878. He appeared in more than 200 movies during the silent era. In 1916, he starred in The Garden of Allah along with Helen Ware. Although, it was planned to film some scenes at the Santa Barbara Mission, this did not happen. Instead, scenes were made at the million-dollar Gillespie mansion in Montecito, California. The substitution is not surprising because the story involves a monk who leaves the monastery and gets married.



Two other versions of this movie were made: another silent film in 1927, then later a talkie in 1936 starring Marlene Dietrich and Charles Boyer.


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