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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924


Image: Screen shot

Civilization on Santa Catalina Island

This anti-war movie was released on June 2, 1915 after World War I had begun, but before the United States joined the conflict. The leading character is a submarine captain who refuses an order to torpedo a defenseless passenger ship. His crew mutinies and he drowns.

But wait! It's not over yet. The captain ends up in the afterworld where Christ enters his body and then returns to the world to plead for peace. The mothers of the world ask the world leaders to end the war, and the movie ends with soldiers returning home.

Some scenes were filmed on Santa Catalina Island, immediately after the island's city of Avalon was largely destroyed by fire.

Good news! This movie is available on Youtube.

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