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Movies & Million-Dollar Mansions, Behind the Scenes at the "Flying A," Silents on the Islands, Way Back When: SB in 1924

Way Back When in Santa Barbara -- August 16, 1918

Image: Vestkusten, April 9, 1936. Vestkusten was a Swedish-language newspaper published in san Francisco

WAY BACK WHEN - 100 Years Ago Today - On August 16, 1918, the local paper noted that the artist Carl Oscar Borg had obtained a marriage license in Los Angeles. In January of 1918, Swedish-American artist Borg began to build his home on the Mesa. Now in August, the home was ready to receive his new bride – Madeline Carriel of Los Angeles.
"Between 1918 and 1924, the Borgs lived in Santa Barbara at the center of a circle which radiated out from Alexander Harmer and the bearded patriarchal Thomas Moran, the good gray painter of Santa Barbara, and included other Santa Barbaran artists such as Fernand Lungren, a Thomas Eakins-trained painter of Southwest subjects, the cowboy artist Ed Borein, Borg's next-door neighbor Albert Falvy, a like-minded antique collector and Indian aficionado, and other assorted intelligentsia." – Material Dreams, Southern California Through the 1920s by Kevin Starr, Oxford University Press, 1990

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